Grievance Committee
This committee shall consist of at least three (3) members. Each level- elementary, middle, and high school, shall have a representative. The committee may initiate a grievance or shall receive a member’s grievance and seek to gain a solution through the stages of the grievance procedure up to arbitration. It shall advise the Executive committee and/or Representative Board of each grievance and make a recommendation to the Association.
Committee Chair: Kim Messick
Committee members: Mary Ellen Trocino, Jamie Sheehan, Sarah Eyler

Public Relations Committee
This committee shall seek to develop public understanding of the purposes and programs of the Association, the values and importance of education, and, in cooperation with the administration, the educational philosophy and programs of the schools. It shall work cooperatively with parents and public in civic, fraternal, and social organizations, and through all available channels of communication.
Committee Chair: Heather Duncan-Carter
Committee members: Liz McGrath, Heather Faircloth, Stacy Grady-Ramos, Joe North, Jessica Sapper, Sarah Eyler

Scholarship Committee
This committee shall prepare and develop scholarships to be offered to students in the school system in such ways as are approved by the Representative Board.
Committee Chair: Cat Bryson
Committee members: Justin Garrett, Shavon Ash, Rick Van Scoy

Social Committee
This committee shall organize such social activities as may serve the needs of members and promote fellowship within the Association.
Committee Chairs: Ashley Bass & Selina Barrington
Committee Members: Sara Burlingame, Aileen Lord & Kristen Hendrickson

New Member Committee
This committee shall promote the understanding among new unit members of the PPSTA, NYSUT, and its national affiliates and of unionism in general. This committee will seek ways of easing the transition of new members to our district and to our union.
Committee Chair: Selina Barrington
Committee members: Jessica Sapper, Amber Grant, Mary Ellen Trocino, Liz Talarczyk, Elizabeth Clarke, Sonia Singelton, Gail Larabee, Katie Soto

Contract Negotiations Team ~ 2023
Committee Chair: Heidi Murphy, 1st Vice President, PMS
Committee members:
Ann Marie Tucker, PMS
John Hines, PMS
Kimberly Popken, PPSTA President, PHS
Laura Tietz, PHS
Noelle Willis, ELC
Skip Hoover, Krieger
Stephanie Green, Morse

Political Action Committee
This committee shall have broad concern for local, state, and national legislation affecting the interests of education. It shall send a member to the annual committee of 100 and promote activities leading to the passage of desirable legislation, and the election of candidates supportive of public education on the local, state, and federal levels.

Mentoring Committee
Mentoring committee helps for a smooth transition of new members to our district and to our union. This committee consists of an elementary mentor coordinator, a secondary mentor coordinator, teacher members and administrators. The committee conducts interviews to find mentors for new teachers entering PCSD. The coordinators recommend the mentor/new teacher pairing to the Board of Education for approval.